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Dr Sylvana Borg Notary Public

Learn all about Sylvana Borg Dr Notary Public, Notaries Public in Attard – Malta

Notaries can present you with targetted expertise in a myriad of areas. Whether you are looking to get a document notarised, or you are seeking a person of trust who can present you with clear and concise information, Dr Sylvana Borg is the ideal choice for you.

As a notary with over 12 years of experience, she can present you with a wide array of solutions related to property, banking, residency and immigration. When it comes to property, Dr Borg offers expert advice and services when it comes to creating promise of sale documents (konvenji) between property buyers and sellers. Moreover, she provides services in relation to partition (divizjoni), deed of sales on immovable and movable properties, deed of Emphyteusis (Koncessjoni Enfitewtika) and even redemption of ground rent (fidi ta’ cens). As a notary, Dr Borg is also able to handle any documents required for property loans, lease agreements and property donation.

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Other services that Dr Sylvana Borg offers include those related to successions and familial matters. If you are interested in getting a public or private will done – both individually or in Unica Carta form – Dr Borg can help. She also presents clients with inheritance of succession regulation solutions, affidavit drafting and also causa mortis (dikjarazzjoni ta’ trasferiment) services, designed to determine heirs and clarify the succession of property. Other solutions in relation to matrimonial services include separation of estates – a solution that enables spouses to retain their estate even after marriage – as well as prenup drafting, designed to safeguard both movable and immovable property.

General legal services offered by Dr Borg include the notarisation of documents to certify authenticity, private writings to regulate or dissolve obligations, power of attorney (prokura), witness signature to provide proof of signee identity and passport certification.

If you would like further information or would like to book your appointment, contact Dr Sylvana Borg today.

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Opening Hours

monday 16:30-19:30
wednesday 16:30-19:30
friday 16:30-19:30
Services offered by Dr Borg include the notarisation of documents to certify authenticity, private writings to regulate or dissolve obligations, prokuri, witness signature to provide proof of signee identity and passport certification.

Contact Us

107 Triq il-Kbira

Dingli, Malta


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